We apologize but as of right now we do not have a shopping cart available for our customers. If you would like to order from the website we need the style name (i.e. "Designated Driver"), color, size (adult or youth), quantity, valid phone number and shipping information. If you would like to include your credit card information in the email we need the card number, expiration date and zip code. If you do not include the credit card information we will call you within the next business day to get payment information and tell you the total price of your order. The prices reflected in the Catalog are before tax so your total will be the sum of all order prices with a 7% sales tax and $5.00 shipping fee. For sales $50.00 or more, the shipping fee will be waived. If you have a preferred email client you wish to email us through, our email is wwt@santafesterling.com or you can order over the phone at (505) 822-0900. If you could still follow the same format that will make it easier and more efficient for us to process your order. Thank you for choosing to shop with us.
Hello, my name is John Doe and I would like to order the following:
2 Designated Driver in adult medium black
1 Zia New Mexico in adult XXL yellow
4 Zia New Mexico in youth XS black
Card Information:
Exp Date: 1/11
Zip Code: 12345
Coupon Code: SFSW1, SFSW2 (Green)
Shipping Address:
401 San Felipe NW Ste. A
Albuquerque, NM 87104
You can reach me at (123) 456-7890